VN fnc wm init
|v= 1.00 |author=Dscha |a=
|g1= wheelmenu
- initilization of the Wheelmenu (aka: Start this monstrosity!) - Set up all Selectors with Icons, Colors, Functions. Depending on the amount of Vars given to it (example) - autoadjusting the WM, depending on the amount of Entrys - Min: 2 Entrys - Max: 10 Entrys
|s= [_iconList,_n,_0,_1,_2,_2_0,_2_1,_2_2,_3,_3_0,_3_1,_4,_4_0,_4_1,_isModule] call VN_fnc_wm_init;
|p1n=_iconList |p1t=ARRAY |p1d=List of Items/Vars to be added to the Menu |p1v=[]
|p2n=_n |p2t=ARRAY |p2d=Parameters |p2v=
|p3n=_0 |p3t=NUMBER |p3d=Path to Icon normal |p3v=
|p4n=_1 |p4t=ARRAY |p4d=Path to Icon Highlighted (if desired) |p4v=
|p5n=_2 |p5t=ARRAY |p5d=No description |p5v=
|p6n=_2_0 |p6t=ARRAY |p6d=Params to send over to the functions |p6v=
|p7n=_2_1 |p7t=STRING |p7d=Which function to call/spawn |p7v=
|p8n=_2_2 |p8t=BOOLEAN |p8d=Spawn (TRUE) or Call (FALSE) |p8v=FALSE
|p9n=_3 |p9t=ARRAY |p9d=No description |p9v=[]
|p10n=_3_0 |p10t=COLOR |p10d=Colorcode Array - Selector - Normal |p10v=
|p11n=_3_1 |p11t=COLOR |p11d=Colorcode Array - Selector - highlighted |p11v=
|p12n=_4 |p12t=ARRAY |p12d=No description |p12v=[]
|p13n=_4_0 |p13t=COLOR |p13d=Colorcode Array - Icon - Normal |p13v=
|p14n=_4_1 |p14t=COLOR |p14d=Colorcode Array - Icon - highlighted |p14v=
|p15n=_isModule |p15t=BOOLEAN |p15d=Loaded via Module or not, so it selects the proper "close functions" (using the Key bound in the VN Keyhandler) |p15v=FALSE
|r1t= |r1d=
|x1= MINIMAL: ["vn\ui_f_vietnam\ui\wheelmenu\img\handsignals\ui_wm_selector_hand_001_ca.paa", "", [["vn_handsignal_freeze","Text for centerCtrl"], "vn_fnc_playGesture"]]
FULL: ["vn\ui_f_vietnam\ui\wheelmenu\img\handsignals\ui_wm_selector_hand_001_ca.paa", "", [["vn_handsignal_freeze","Text for centerCtrl"], "vn_fnc_playGesture", false],[ _color_selector, _color_selector_hl ], [ _color_icon, _color_icon_hl ] ]
["gestureFreeze","Text for centerCtrl"],
... repeat
] call vn_fnc_wm_init;