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← back to Functions Introduced in S.O.G. Prairie Fire v1.00
by Wyqer, veteran29
Argument(s): n/a
Effect(s): unknown


Plays the given radio message via text and audio from the given entity.


[_text,_sound,_entity,_global,_isRadio,_diaryEntry] call vn_ms_fnc_sfx_playRadioConv;
_text: String - (Optional, default "") Localization key for text
_sound: String - (Optional, default "") Configname of the audio message
_entity: Object - (Optional, default objNull) Entity to play the message from
_global: Boolean - (Optional, default false) Switch to use global channel instead of side channel
_isRadio: Boolean - (Optional, default true) Switch to either play it via radio or sound
_diaryEntry: Boolean - (Optional, default true) Should message be added to the diary/conversation log
Return value
Boolean - Function reached the end