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← back to Functions Introduced in S.O.G. Prairie Fire v1.00
by Ethan Johnson
Argument(s): n/a
Effect(s): unknown


M72 LAW fired eventhandler function. Will wait until the player attempts to reload or stops holding the fire button.


[_unit,_weapon,_muzzle,_mode,_ammo,_magazine,_projectile,_gunner] call VN_fnc_m72law;
_unit: Object - (Optional, default OBJNULL) Unit which the eventhandler is attached to.
_weapon: String - (Optional, default "") Weapon classname of the fired weapon.
_muzzle: String - (Optional, default "") Muzzle of the fired weapon.
_mode: String - (Optional, default "") Mode of the fired weapon.
_ammo: String - (Optional, default "") Ammo of the fired weapon.
_magazine: String - (Optional, default "") Magazine of the fired weapon.
_projectile: String - (Optional, default "") Projectile of the fired weapon.
_gunner: Object - (Optional, default OBJNULL) Unit that insigated the fired eventhandler.
Return value
Boolean - Function reached the end.


Example 1
[player, "weapon", "muzzle", "mode", "ammo", "magazine", "projectile", gunner] call vn_fnc_myFunction;