Advanced Revive

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Advanced Revive

This page will guide you through adding the Advanced Revive module to your mission.

This module allows players to become incapacitated, drag and carry incapacitated players, heal, stabilize, and resuscitate incapacitated players.

Eden Editor

To add the module to your mission all you need to do is place the module Advanced Revive into your mission, you do not need to sync anything to it.

The attributes for the module will allow you to change the following,

  • Bleedout Time
    • Time it takes from first incapacitated until the unit dies from bleeding out.
  • Stabilize Items
    • The items that can be used to stabilize incapacitated units.
  • Remove Stabilize Item
    • Should the stabilize item be removed.
  • Resuscitate Items
    • The items that can be used to resuscitate incapacitated units.
  • Remove Resuscitate Item
    • Should the resuscitate item be removed.
  • Required Trait
    • Is the 'Medic' trait required to resuscitate a unit.
  • Revive Delay
    • How long the resuscitate action takes to complete.
  • Medic Skill
    • Do units with the 'Medic' trait.
  • Casualty Crawl
    • Percentage chance the unit has to successfully crawl when pressing a move key.
  • Casualty Explosives
    • Percentage chance the unit has to successfully use/trigger explosives when attempting to interact with an explosive.
  • Respawn Action Time
    • What percentage of the bleedout timer must have passed before the respawn action appears.
  • Bleeding Effects
    • If the time spent bleeding out decreases the above chances to complete actions.
  • Withstand Percentage Required
    • What percentage of the bleedout timer must have passed before the withstand action appears.
  • Casualty Icon Distance
    • The maximum distance the 3D casualty icon will appear.

Configuration Files

There are no configuration files for this module


Making the unit carryable

if (isServer) then { _unit setUnconscious true; [_unit, false, true] remoteExec ["vn_fnc_revive_actions_local", 0, true]; };